Lomi Ōpū with Kumu Kahealani Amber Alapa’i
Kumu Kahealani Amber Alapa’i is a teacher of her families traditional Hawaiian Massage “Ho’oponopono Lomilomi”. At young age, she was taught by her father Allen Alapa’i who was a master of Lomilomi. She is a trained massage therapist (LMT) and lives with her family on Hawaii.
She will be offering a two and a half day course on “Lomi ‘Ōpū” (Abdominal massage). Hawaiians consider the abdominal cavity/stomach as the place we hold a connection to our anncestors, whom help with spiritual guidance. Because of our belief we honor this area with great respect.
Lomi ‘Ōpū Intense Workshop
Benefits of Lomi ‘Ōpū – Abdominal Massage
- Soften Blockages with movement using Technique, Intuition and Breathe
- Helps wth Infertility
- Aids in Digestion and Elimination
- Relieves lower back ache
- Balance of Hormones
- Lymph Circulation
- Increasing Blood Flow to Organs
- Relief from Menstural Cramps
- Relief from Gastritis
We will learn about:
- Spiritual Representation of the ‘Ōpū
- How the colon holds different emotions and affects the organs
- General Technique and Routine
- Lymph Drainage
- Pregnancy and the Uterus – the spiritual representation of the womb
- ‘Ōpū Huli (“turned” stomach)
You will learn a 60-90 minute massage routine.